Lifecycle hooks

We want to show blog posts when the user views the /posts route, and a single post when the user views the /posts/:postId route, assuming we have already made a model responsible for fetching and setting posts in our model, where's the best place to fetch posts? One option is that we have a button that the user must click in order to load posts:

const routes = {
  '/posts' (state, prev, actions) {
    return html`
        ${ => html`<a href="/posts/${}">${post.title}</a>`)}
        <button onclick=${actions.posts.fetch}>Load Posts</button>

We don't really want our users to have to press a button to see the posts though. It would be better if the posts loaded as soon as the user visits the page.

So far, the routes we've been making are called "Component" style routes, which means that they are a simple pure function of state to HTML so there isn't really an opportunity to send an action when the user first visits the page, the only thing we could do is send an action every time the view is rendered, which is bad since we only want to do it the first time. There's another style of route that we can take advantage of to load posts when the user visits the page. These routes are called "Page" style routes and they come with lifecycle hooks.

import { GlobalState, GlobalActions } from './models'

const routes: Helix.Routes<GlobalState, GlobalActions> = {
  '/posts': {
    onEnter (state, prev, actions) {
    onLeave (state, prev, actions) {
    view (state, prev, actions) {
      return html`
          ${ => html`<a href="/posts/${}">${post.title}</a>`)}

The execution order of lifecycle hooks is important. When a user navigates between two different pages:

  1. onLeave of the left page is called
  2. onEnter of the entered page is called

If the user navigates to the same page the onChange lifecycle is called instead of onEnter and onLeave. For example, if the "View Post" page has a link to the next post, the page has not really changed, but the postId URL parameter will have. Similarly, if the user clicks to load a new page in the list of pages, the query parameter page will change, so the onChange lifecycle hook will be called instead of onEnter and onLeave.

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