
The only way to update a model's state in Helix is through a reducer. A reducer is a pure function that receives the current state of the model, any arguments passed in from the caller of the reducer and is expected to return a copy of the models state with the change applied. In our blog application, we'll need a way to receive posts from the server and set them in state, so that when we can display them in the page. We'll create a resetState reducer as well, so that when the user leaves the page we can clear out the state and keep it fresh for next time.

Calling a reducer has the side effect of re-rendering the current page with the new state of the application.

interface State {
  posts: string[]

interface Reducers {
  resetState: Helix.Reducer0<State>
  receivePosts: Helix.Reducer<State, string[]>

interface Effects {}

const model: Helix.Model<State, Reducers, Effects> = {
  state: {
    posts: ['Learn Helix']
  reducers: {
    resetState () {
      return { posts: [] }
    receivePosts(state, posts) {
      return { posts }

Sometimes it's useful to know what the updated state is from the call-site. Since a reducer returns the state of the model, whoever calls a reducer will receive an updated copy of the model's state, for example:

const state = actions.receivePosts(['Learn Helix', 'Profit'])
console.log(state) // { posts: ['Learn Helix', 'Profit'] }

You'll notice that we don't have to pass state when we call actions.receivePosts. Helix takes care of injecting the latest state in to the reducer function for our convenience.


The type definition for resetState is a Helix.Reducer0, this is simply a reducer without any arguments. Similarly, the standard type Helix.Reducer is a reducer that takes one argument.

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